The Two-Headed Brawler: A Guide to Playing Ogre Magi in Dota 2

Ogre Magi

Ogre Magi is a melee intelligence hero in Dota 2 that is known for his high health and ability to stun enemies. He is a versatile hero that can be played in a variety of roles, including support and offlane. In this guide, we will take a closer look at Ogre Magi and how to play him effectively in Dota 2.


Ogre Magi has four abilities that make him a valuable hero in Dota 2. Here's a breakdown of his abilities:
1. Fireblast: Ogre Magi stuns and damages an enemy unit. This ability can be used to initiate team fights or to disable enemy heroes in lane.

2. Ignite: Ogre Magi sets an enemy unit on fire, dealing damage over time and slowing their movement speed. This ability can be used to harass enemy heroes in lane and to slow down enemy heroes in team fights.

3. Bloodlust: Ogre Magi increases the attack speed and movement speed of a friendly unit. This ability can be used to buff allied carries and to make it easier for them to chase down enemy heroes.

4. Multicast: Ogre Magi has a chance to cast his abilities multiple times. This ability can be used to stun multiple enemy heroes or to buff multiple allied heroes at once.


Ogre Magi is a hero that excels at stunning enemies and supporting his team. In the early game, Ogre Magi should focus on harassing enemy heroes in lane and setting up kills for his team. He should use his Fireblast ability to stun enemy heroes and his Ignite ability to slow them down.
Once he has his core items, Ogre Magi can start to play a more supportive role. He should use his Bloodlust ability to buff allied carries and to make it easier for them to chase down enemy heroes. He should also use his Fireblast ability to initiate team fights and to disable enemy heroes.
In team fights, Ogre Magi should focus on stunning enemy heroes and supporting his team. He should use his Multicast ability to stun multiple enemy heroes at once and to turn the tide of team fights in his team's favor.


Ogre Magi's itemization is crucial to his success in Dota 2. He should focus on building items that increase his survivability and support his team. Here are some core items for Ogre Magi:
1. Arcane Boots: This item provides Ogre Magi with increased mana regeneration and allows him to provide mana to his allies.

2. Aghanim's Scepter: This item increases the chance of Ogre Magi's abilities to multicast and allows him to multicast his ultimate ability.

3. Force Staff: This item provides Ogre Magi with increased mobility and allows him to reposition himself or his allies in team fights.

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